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Blog: Blog2
  • brendakabat

To Grammar or not to Grammar

For my blog this month I had a hard time deciding which of the many websites and apps I enjoy using that I wanted to highlight. I decided that since it’s early in the school year I would highlight the one that I think every student in grades 4 through 12 should be using.

As an aspiring published writer I believe that I am able to use good grammar in my writing and that I have good spelling skills (typing skills not so much). However, I sometimes like to use phrasing or writing forms that aren’t considered to be proper grammar. This site will let you know if you are using grammatical forms that are not ideal. You can then decide if you want to continue to use it or not. It’s like a form of spelling check or grammar check, but better.

You can use this site on all of your typing; documents, emails, texts, notes, etc… .

I like that students can use it to learn how to use better words, get more precise wording options, and to learn how to use correct grammar and spelling.

When you realize that it takes at least 17 exposures to functionally using a word to really learn it, it makes sense that it takes at lease that many or more to learn different grammar forms. This website helps to teach students proper grammar forms while they type, something no teacher has time to do for all of their students.

I remember shortly after spelling check became available my daughter was typing a paper. She exclaimed, “I hate it that this keeps telling me that I’m spelling this word wrong.” I told her, “Stop spelling it wrong and it will stop telling you that.”

This website/app helps with finding phrasing that may be better than that which you are trying to use. You can correct your document as you type, or wait until you are done and do the entire document at one time.

As someone who works with students in special education, it is helpful to use the site to help them understand the difference between a complete sentence and an incomplete sentence. They learn to write using a variety of words and how to spell words correctly. It gives them the ability to work more independently because the teacher doesn’t have to help them with every step of their paper or project.

The name of this site is Grammarly. You install it onto your computer and it will work with any document that you are typing. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to put together any documents of high professional quality or just those that want to learn how to write better.

Let me know what you think or if you have a site you like better. Here's to good writing.

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